Here's to getting a better deal on your loan!

When was the last time you did a loan comparison to see how yours compares? If it has been any longer than 6 months, then it’s worth giving your loan a health check-up because as time passes, your needs change, as does the range of marketplace offerings. The loan that was right for you a few years ago may not be working as hard for you as a it could be.

Aussie lenders are a seriously competitive bunch who are always developing new products and services. Refinancing allows you to take advantage of these offers and change your existing loan to one that’s more suitable to your current situation that may even save you money. You may want to switch from a fixed rate loan to a variable loan (or vice versa), or you might want a loan with more flexible features, such as redraw or mortgage offset accounts. You might not even have to change lenders. We can help you to figure out if you have any options better suited to your personal circumstances and can often negotiate on your behalf to find your ideal financial solution.

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